ORF information
ORF ID TF00455 (frame 1) Gene ID lpl0152
Position and sequences 183577...183858(93 aa) Gene Name/synonym lvhB3 -
Organism Legionella pneumophila Lens Cluster 35 genes
Product Type IV secretion system protein VirB3 homolog
1stcategory P-T4SS 2ndcategory VirB3/TrbD Family
3rdcategory Conjugation and Effector translocator
Function Component of the type IV secretion system Legionella vir homologues (Lvh) that is partially required for conjugation. Also, the type IV system Lvh can act as an effector translocator preferentially involved in virulence-related phenotype under conditions mimicking the spread of Legionnaires's disease from environmental niches.
References PubMed:10564519  PubMed:17101653 

Functional Annotation
  KEGG database
Organism L.pneumophila_Lens Gene entry lpl0152
Gene name lvhB Synonyms 3
Definition Legionella vir homologue protein
Class Genetic Information Processing; Sorting and Degradation; Type IV secretion system [PATH:lpf03080]
Classification Sorting and Degradation
DBLinks GeneID 3115145 GI 54293113 Pasteur lpl0152 UniProt Q5X070
  COG Clusters of Orthologous Groups of proteins
Gene Classification Coords (size) Product
U 4 .. 61 (58) Type IV secretory pathway, VirB3 components

Blast results (KEGG)
L.pneumophila_Lens :  BlastP (output)
Score Expect Query coverage Subject coverage
198 2e-50 100 100

Evidence ID Name Loci start-end InterPro ID InterPro Name
HMMPfam PF05101 VirB3 [ 0 - 92 ] IPR007792 Type IV secretory pathway, VirB3-like
GO (Gene Onthology)
GO No results found !
Blast Results (Swiss-Prot)
Blast Results (Swiss-Prot) No results found !


Protein localization analysis
Psort bacterial inner membrane-0.2275-Affirmative (output)