ORF information
ORF ID TF00384 (frame 1) Gene ID SMa0930
Position and sequences 514998...515237(79 aa) Gene Name/synonym traD -
Organism Sinorhizobium meliloti 1021 Cluster 20 genes
Product Conjugal transfer protein TraD homolog
1stcategory P-T4SS 2ndcategory TraD Family
3rdcategory Conjugation
Function Component of a Dtr protein that can function with the T4SS virB/D4 homolog, which is required for conjugal transfer of the pSymA. However, T4SS virB/D4 homolog is not required for the intracellular survival of the bacteria, thus it appears to be dispensable for plant symbiosis.
References PubMed:11481432  PubMed:17158676 

Functional Annotation
  KEGG database
Organism S.meliloti Gene entry SMa0930
Gene name traD Synonyms
Definition probable TraD conjugal transfer protein
Classification Unassigned
DBLinks GeneID 1235539 GI 16262956 UniProt Q92ZI2
COG No results found !

Blast results (KEGG)
S.meliloti :  BlastP (output)
Score Expect Query coverage Subject coverage
160 9e-39 100 100

Evidence ID Name Loci start-end InterPro ID InterPro Name
BlastProDom PD019440 PD019440 [ 0 - 60 ] NULL NULL
GO (Gene Onthology)
GO No results found !
Blast Results (Swiss-Prot)
Blast Results (Swiss-Prot) No results found !


Protein localization analysis
Psort bacterial cytoplasm-0.082-Affirmative (output)