ORF information
ORF ID TF00383 (frame 1) Gene ID pRL80120A
Position and sequences 125797...126009(70 aa) Gene Name/synonym traD -
Organism Rhizobium leguminosarum bv viciae 3841 Cluster 20 genes
Product Conjugal transfer protein TraD homolog
1stcategory P-T4SS 2ndcategory TraD Family
3rdcategory Conjugation
Function Component of the conjugal Tra/Trb system, which may be required for conjugal transfer of the plasmid pRL8.
Miscellaneus R.leguminosarum biovar viciae (Rlv) strain 3841 (a spontaneous streptomycin-resistant mutant of field isolate 300) has six large plasmids; pRL10 is the pSym (symbiosis plasmid) and pRL7 and pRL8 are transferable by conjugation.
References PubMed:14617175 

Functional Annotation
  KEGG database
Organism R.leguminosarum Gene entry pRL80120A
Gene name traD Synonyms
Definition conjugal transfer protein TraD
Classification Unassigned
DBLinks GeneDB pRL80120A GeneID 4404608 GI 116255179
COG No results found !

Blast results (KEGG)
R.leguminosarum :  BlastP (output)
Score Expect Query coverage Subject coverage
132 3e-30 100 100

Evidence ID Name Loci start-end InterPro ID InterPro Name
BlastProDom PD019440 PD019440 [ 0 - 69 ] NULL NULL
GO (Gene Onthology)
GO No results found !

Blast Results (Swiss-Prot)
Score Expect Coverage Query Coverage Subject Accesion Number Product (Click to view blast result)
98.6 5e-21 98.5714 97.1831 Q44347 Conjugal transfer protein traD


Protein localization analysis
Psort bacterial cytoplasm-0.0354-Affirmative (output)