ORF information
ORF ID TF02121 (frame 1) Gene ID STY4577
Position and sequences 4454829...4456259(476 aa) Gene Name/synonym pilT -
Organism Salmonella typhi Cluster 14 genes
Product Conjugal transfer protein PilT homolog
1stcategory GI-T4SS 2ndcategory Integr_conj_element_PFL4711 Family
3rdcategory Conjugation
Function Encoded on the Salmonella pathogenicity island 7 (SPI-7), which is a 134-kbp genomic island that is situated between two partially copied tRNApheU genes on the chromosome of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi. These regions include the locus for the production and exportation of the Vi capsule and the genes responsible for the expression of a type IVB pilus, which aids attachment to human epithelial cells. SPI-7 contains a functional conjugation system that permits the transfer of a small incQ plasmid.
References PubMed:18390666 

Functional Annotation
  KEGG database
Organism S.typhi_Ty2 Gene entry t4274
Gene name Synonyms
Definition hypothetical protein
Classification Unassigned
DBLinks GeneID 1067462 GI 29144530 UniProt Q8Z1I8
COG No results found !

Blast results (KEGG)
S.typhi_Ty2 :  BlastP (output)
Score Expect Query coverage Subject coverage
923 0.0 100 100
InterPro No results found !
GO (Gene Onthology)
GO No results found !
Blast Results (Swiss-Prot)
Blast Results (Swiss-Prot) No results found !


Protein localization analysis
Psort bacterial inner membrane-0.1786-Affirmative (output)