ORF information
ORF ID TF01382 (frame 1) Gene ID CBU_1627
Position and sequences 1564919...1568023(1034 aa) Gene Name/synonym icmE /dotG
Organism Coxiella burnetii RSA 493 Cluster 4 genes
Product Type IV secretion system protein IcmE/DotG
1stcategory I-T4SS 2ndcategory Uncharacterized Protein Family IcmE/DotG
3rdcategory Effector translocator
Function Component of the type IV secretion system Dot/Icm.
References PubMed:12890021 

Functional Annotation
  KEGG database
Organism C.burnetii Gene entry CBU_1627
Gene name Synonyms
Definition IcmE protein
Classification Unassigned
DBLinks GeneID 1209538 GI 29654917 TIGR CBU_1627 UniProt Q83B86
COG No results found !

Blast results (KEGG)
C.burnetii :  BlastP (output)
Score Expect Query coverage Subject coverage
1989 0.0 100 100
66 5e-09 41.4894 41.1607

Evidence ID Name Loci start-end InterPro ID InterPro Name
HMMPfam PF03743 TrbI [ 0 - 1029 ] IPR005498 Bacterial conjugation TrbI-like protein
HMMPfam PF00805 Pentapeptide [ 0 - 234 ] IPR001646 Pentapeptide repeat
HMMPfam PF00805 Pentapeptide [ 0 - 364 ] IPR001646 Pentapeptide repeat
HMMPfam PF00805 Pentapeptide [ 0 - 452 ] IPR001646 Pentapeptide repeat
HMMPfam PF00805 Pentapeptide [ 0 - 572 ] IPR001646 Pentapeptide repeat
HMMPfam PF00805 Pentapeptide [ 0 - 652 ] IPR001646 Pentapeptide repeat

GO (Gene Onthology)
ID Type Description
0009291 Biological Process unidirectional conjugation

Blast Results (Swiss-Prot)
Score Expect Coverage Query Coverage Subject Accesion Number Product (Click to view blast result)
88.6 2e-16 43.0368 32.355 Q12816 Trophinin (MAGE-D3 antigen)


Protein localization analysis
Psort (output)