ORF information
ORF ID TF01027 (frame 1) Gene ID pIncPalpha_00150
Position and sequences 20545...23103(852 aa) Gene Name/synonym trbE -
Organism Birmingham IncP-alpha plasmid Cluster 68 genes
Product Conjugal transfer protein TrbE
1stcategory P-T4SS 2ndcategory VirB4/TrbE/CagE Family
3rdcategory Conjugation
Function Component of the Trb system that is referred to as the Tra2 operon of the plasmid IncP-alpha, which encodes the apparatus for mating pair formation, the first step in conjugative transfer.
Miscellaneus For transfer the plasmid requires two blocks of genes. The transfer origin, oriT and genes traA to traM constitute the Tra1 block, which is mainly concerned with triggering DNA transfer, while the genes trbA to trbP form a Tra2 operon concerned mainly with mating pair formation.
References PubMed:8954881 

Functional Annotation
  KEGG database
Organism B.cepacia Gene entry Bamb_6632
Gene name Synonyms
Definition type IV secretion/conjugal transfer ATPase, VirB4 family
Classification Unassigned
DBLinks GeneID 4308511 GI 115345524
COG No results found !

Blast results (KEGG)
B.cepacia :  BlastP (output)
Score Expect Query coverage Subject coverage
1513 0.0 100 100

Evidence ID Name Loci start-end InterPro ID InterPro Name
BlastProDom PD013127 Q52363_XXXXX_Q52363; [ 0 - 159 ] NULL NULL
HMMPfam PF03135 CagE_TrbE_VirB [ 0 - 431 ] IPR004346 CagE, TrbE, VirB component of type IV transporter system
HMMSmart SM00382 no description [ 0 - 748 ] IPR003593 AAA+ ATPase, core
HMMTigr TIGR00929 VirB4_CagE: type IV secretion/conjugal tra [ 0 - 845 ] IPR004346 CagE, TrbE, VirB component of type IV transporter system

GO (Gene Onthology)
ID Type Description
0005524 Molecular Function ATP binding
0000166 Molecular Function nucleotide binding
0017111 Molecular Function nucleoside-triphosphatase activity
0005524 Molecular Function ATP binding

Blast Results (Swiss-Prot)
Score Expect Coverage Query Coverage Subject Accesion Number Product (Click to view blast result)
812 0.0 95.3052 99.2683 P54910 Conjugal transfer protein trbE precursor


Protein localization analysis
Psort (output)